shown below. The second screenshot shows dynamic colours loaded from the Host app.<head> </head>
tags. For example,
<script src="assets/js/DynamicWebAdapter.js"></script>
file. If not, you may have to modify your site to use the material 3 colour way and naming.colours.json
Must be placed in the root directory of the site!colours.json
.Layout of colours.json
"schemes": {
"light": {
"primary": "#6D5E0F",
"surfaceTint": "#6D5E0F",
"onPrimary": "#FFFFFF",
"primaryContainer": "#F8E287",
"onPrimaryContainer": "#221B00",
"secondary": "#665E40",
"onSecondary": "#FFFFFF",
"secondaryContainer": "#EEE2BC",
"onSecondaryContainer": "#211B04",
"tertiary": "#43664E",
"onTertiary": "#FFFFFF",
"tertiaryContainer": "#C5ECCE",
"onTertiaryContainer": "#00210F",
"error": "#BA1A1A",
"onError": "#FFFFFF",
"errorContainer": "#FFDAD6",
"onErrorContainer": "#410002",
"background": "#FFF9EE",
"onBackground": "#1E1B13",
"surface": "#FFF9EE",
"onSurface": "#1E1B13",
"surfaceVariant": "#EAE2D0",
"onSurfaceVariant": "#4B4739",
"outline": "#7C7767",
"outlineVariant": "#CDC6B4",
"shadow": "#000000",
"scrim": "#000000",
"inverseSurface": "#333027",
"inverseOnSurface": "#F7F0E2",
"inversePrimary": "#DBC66E",
"primaryFixed": "#F8E287",
"onPrimaryFixed": "#221B00",
"primaryFixedDim": "#DBC66E",
"onPrimaryFixedVariant": "#534600",
"secondaryFixed": "#EEE2BC",
"onSecondaryFixed": "#211B04",
"secondaryFixedDim": "#D1C6A1",
"onSecondaryFixedVariant": "#4E472A",
"tertiaryFixed": "#C5ECCE",
"onTertiaryFixed": "#00210F",
"tertiaryFixedDim": "#A9D0B3",
"onTertiaryFixedVariant": "#2C4E38",
"surfaceDim": "#E0D9CC",
"surfaceBright": "#FFF9EE",
"surfaceContainerLowest": "#FFFFFF",
"surfaceContainerLow": "#FAF3E5",
"surfaceContainer": "#F4EDDF",
"surfaceContainerHigh": "#EEE8DA",
"surfaceContainerHighest": "#E8E2D4"
"dark": {
"primary": "#DBC66E",
"surfaceTint": "#DBC66E",
"onPrimary": "#3A3000",
"primaryContainer": "#534600",
"onPrimaryContainer": "#F8E287",
"secondary": "#D1C6A1",
"onSecondary": "#363016",
"secondaryContainer": "#4E472A",
"onSecondaryContainer": "#EEE2BC",
"tertiary": "#A9D0B3",
"onTertiary": "#143723",
"tertiaryContainer": "#2C4E38",
"onTertiaryContainer": "#C5ECCE",
"error": "#FFB4AB",
"onError": "#690005",
"errorContainer": "#93000A",
"onErrorContainer": "#FFDAD6",
"background": "#15130B",
"onBackground": "#E8E2D4",
"surface": "#15130B",
"onSurface": "#E8E2D4",
"surfaceVariant": "#4B4739",
"onSurfaceVariant": "#CDC6B4",
"outline": "#969080",
"outlineVariant": "#4B4739",
"shadow": "#000000",
"scrim": "#000000",
"inverseSurface": "#E8E2D4",
"inverseOnSurface": "#333027",
"inversePrimary": "#6D5E0F",
"primaryFixed": "#F8E287",
"onPrimaryFixed": "#221B00",
"primaryFixedDim": "#DBC66E",
"onPrimaryFixedVariant": "#534600",
"secondaryFixed": "#EEE2BC",
"onSecondaryFixed": "#211B04",
"secondaryFixedDim": "#D1C6A1",
"onSecondaryFixedVariant": "#4E472A",
"tertiaryFixed": "#C5ECCE",
"onTertiaryFixed": "#00210F",
"tertiaryFixedDim": "#A9D0B3",
"onTertiaryFixedVariant": "#2C4E38",
"surfaceDim": "#15130B",
"surfaceBright": "#3C3930",
"surfaceContainerLowest": "#100E07",
"surfaceContainerLow": "#1E1B13",
"surfaceContainer": "#222017",
"surfaceContainerHigh": "#2D2A21",
"surfaceContainerHighest": "#38352B"
colour in your css, you use var(--primary)
.div {
background-color: var(--primaryContainer);
color: var(--onPrimaryContainer);
Please note: you should follow the Material 3 colour guidlines when desinging or migraiting your site.
If your website using the MonetWebAdapter, you can implement a popup that will prompt the user to install the MonetWebAdapter app. This popup will only show up on android devices that do not already have the app running. Once closed, a cookie will be stored to ensure the popup is never shown. You can view an example of the popup here. The popup uses the same CSS variable names, so your sites colours will override the default colours.
If you wish to implement the popup, add this inbetween your <head></head>
<script src="" defer></script>
### Example of the popup can be found here.